1. Server application:

You have to add the business layer to the Server application (metier package) as showed bellow: Corba server

a. Create the Bourse.idl interface

To use the idl interface, you must do the following.

  • Run idlj -fall -v with Bourse.idl as the argument to produce the stubs for the CORBA object:

                      # idlj -fall -v  Bourse.idl

      This generates a directory bourse that contains .java and .class files.

b. Create BourseImpl that  extends the generated skeleton BoursePOA and implements the methods

c. Create CORBA Server:

2. Client application:

You must copy the Bourse.idl interface in the client application and run # idlj -fall -v  Bourse.idl  to generate the package bourse as showed bellow: Corba client

 Then create the Corba client class:


  • Start the directory

#start tnameserv

Note: if you are in linux environment, use this command: tnameserv

  • Run the server application
  • Run the Client application


This is the link to the source code:

Server application

Client application



  • Ibrahima
    • 1. Ibrahima On 11/03/2020
    Comment gérer plusieurs classe sur corba ?
    • mkaroune
      • mkarouneOn 14/03/2020
      Vous pouvez utiliser le module pour définir l'ensemble d'interfaces que vous devez utiliser dans votre projet. Ci-dessus un example: module CourseRegistration { interface Student { attribute any personalInfo; attribute any major; void enroll(); void graduate(); }; interface Course { attribute any subject; attribute any semester; void register(); void cancel(); }; }

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