Docker File

In this tutorial, we will create a docker file for a simple web application and spring boot application.

1. Simple Web Application:

Following is the structure of the project: 



Now, we will create the docker file. It contains the web server nginix that we have used in the previous tuturial (Getting started with Docker) and it copies all the index.html file in the default nginx directory for pages to be deployed.



Once the docker file is created, run the following command to build the project image. "." indicates the current location

$ docker build -t web-app-docker .

Then run the command to display all the available images:

$  docker images
REPOSITORY                         TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
web-app-docker.                    latest              549a117da989        8 minutes ago       127MB
nginx                              latest              6678c7c2e56c        12 days ago         127MB
mysql                              latest              9b51d9275906        12 days ago         547MB

Then you can run the container. The port 80 is mapped on the port 8084

$ docker run -d -p 8084:80 web-app-docker-app

And finally access to the application from the browser via http://localhost:8084



2. Spring boot application

First, you should create a spring boot project. This project diplays a Json data when we access the /test url.



Once the application is created, build the application jar using this command:

$  mvn package 

Then create the Dockerfile as it is selected in the project structure:

FROM openjdk:8-jdk-alpine
ADD target/demo*.jar /app.jar
CMD ["java","-jar","/app.jar", ""]

Then build the application image . The "." indicated the current location of the project.

$ docker build -t demo-web .

Now, let's diplay the list of the docker images

$ docker images
REPOSITORY                         TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
demo-web                           latest              93a58863b395        3 minutes ago       122MB
web-app-docker-app                 latest              549a117da989        About an hour ago   127MB
nginx                              latest              6678c7c2e56c        12 days ago         127MB
mysql                              latest              9b51d9275906        12 days ago         547MB

Finally, we run the container

$  docker run -d -p 8089:8080 demo-web

and access to the application from the browser via http://localhost:8089/test


Source code:


Mohamed, Yousfi. DOCKER Part 4.

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