Portfolio with angular 11 & Bootstrap 4

1. Create the workspace: 

$ng new meriemkarouneBootstrap4

2. Run the application: 

$cd meriemkarouneBootstrap4

$ng serve --open

The following page will be displayed:

C8e8a5e0 3847 48ba 9253 d7115a78ddbb

Add Boostrap to angular:

Install bootsrap on angular 11.

$npm install bootstrap --save

Import bootstrap on style.css:


@import "~bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.css";

- Modify the index.html file to have a blank web page. Then we will add the different component of the portoflio.

//index.html content.

//Output of the index.html page image

The next step is to create the components of the portofolio.

1. Curriculum component:

Run the following command to create the curriculum component

$ng generate component curriculum

1.a. Open the curriculum.component.html file and add the curriculum content.


2.b Add the following line in the app.component.html file.


- Create gallery component

$ng generate component gallery

1.a. Open the curriculum.component.html file and add the curriculum content.


2.b Add the following line in the app.component.html file.


- Create contact component

$ng generate component contact

1.a. Open the curriculum.component.html file and add the curriculum content.


2.b Add the following line in the app.component.html file.


- Create footer component

$ng generate component footer

1.a. Open the footer.component.html file and add the footer content.


2.b Add the following line in the app.component.html file.


- Create banner component

$ng generate component banner

1.a. Open the banner.component.html file and add the banner content.


2.b Add the following line in the app.component.html file.


- Create navigation component

$ng generate component navigation

1.a. Open the navigation.component.html file and add the navigation content.


2.b Add the following line in the app.component.html file.



The next step is to use routers to define how to navigate through the application. Modify the file app-routing.module.ts file and add the components paths.


const routes: Routes = [

{path : 'banner', component : BannerComponent},

{path : 'curriculum', component : CurriculumComponent},

{path : 'gallery', component : GalleryComponent},

{path : 'contact', component : ContactComponent},

{path : 'footer', component : FooterComponent},

{path : 'navigation', component : NavigationComponent},

{path : '', redirectTo :'/banner', pathMatch:'full' }


the app.module.ts file, the routes are already added in the  imports array  that redirects the user to display the components.


imports: [RouterModule.forRoot(routes)],

exports: [RouterModule]


We notice now that we can display the components seoeratly using the links defined in the app-routing.module.ts file.

//Displays of some pages.


Then we modify the navigation.component.html by adding the routerLink and we indicate the corresponding path: as follow:

<ul class="nav navbar-nav navbar-right">

<li class="active"> <a routerLink="/banner" class="scroll">Home</a> </li>

<li> <a routerLink="/curriculum" class="scroll">Resume</a> </li>

<li> <a routerLink="/gallery" class="scroll">Works</a> </li>

<li> <a routerLink="/contact" class="scroll">Contact</a> </li>






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